Wednesday, April 13

A proposal of sorts

A proposal begins with a sincere question, a pouring out of sorts that is only supposed to come from a warm place.

I'm sincerely afraid of that warm place. I'm so used to keeping people at arm's length

Friday, December 31

I believe....

I figured it was about time I broke the silence...

This isn't a New Year, new me post. This isn't remotely related to the holidays we cling to. This is more like fuck I haven't checked this in a while, it's about time I updated my life records.

Well... I know the whole point of a blog is to NOT make the long story short but... Let's just gloss over the details for now- I'm on limited time and internet here, kiddies.

Friday, February 12

Five Six Seven Eight

It's been a doozy of a month. That's all I really have.